
McCain Selects Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh’s Pick

Sarah Palin looks like an amazing pick. I posted a few comments on Joel Comm’s blog (search the page for “Elliot Lee”) with my thoughts. I may update this post later with other details. People sometimes say that McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time, as if this is a bad thing. Though I…Continue Reading…

Why would John McCain be different from Bush?

John McCain’s website has a video explaining his economic policies. They try to make it sound like sweeping change, but it’s fluff. One slide says, “Government has grown by 60 percent in the last eight years.” That was with Bush as President. So how would McCain be different? This next slide is almost comical. “95%…Continue Reading…

Ron Paul on the Difference between McCain and Obama

It’s a tough choice. Right now I’m really leaning toward McCain, as I used to be a strong supporter of him; but recently the more I’ve learned about the war, the more I disapprove of how our foreign policy is changing. Heck, maybe I’ll just write-in Ron Paul. Video is Ron Paul on MSNBC Morning…Continue Reading…