
Ron Paul on the Difference between McCain and Obama

It’s a tough choice. Right now I’m really leaning toward McCain, as I used to be a strong supporter of him; but recently the more I’ve learned about the war, the more I disapprove of how our foreign policy is changing. Heck, maybe I’ll just write-in Ron Paul. Video is Ron Paul on MSNBC Morning…Continue Reading…

Ron Paul’s Weekly Phone Update

Ron Paul is a Republican congressman serving his 10th term in the House of Representatives. I’ve written about him before. I learned from someone’s comment on YouTube that he has a new feature: a weekly update directly from him regarding the activities in Congress. I just listened to it, and it’s quite good. Hear his…Continue Reading…

Foreign Policy and Osama Bin Laden

Part 2 of Ron Paul’s speech at the College of Idaho 4/25/08. Part 1 here We were allied with Osama bin Laden when he was a freedom fighter in Afghanistan. Now that we are the occupiers, he’s a terrorist. Obviously, our foreign policy is screwed up. Let’s change it. It’s not hard to do. It’s…Continue Reading…

Eliminate the Income Tax Without Adding a Sales Tax

I’ve been reading Ron Paul’s The Revolution, and have already mentioned what it says about gold. Today I’d like to quote a bit about what Paul says regarding the income tax. Essentially, he believes we should completely abolish it, and replace it with nothing, not even a sales tax– and after reading his argument, I…Continue Reading…

Gold in Ron Paul’s The Revolution: A Manifesto

I mentioned this book previously. Bought any gas lately? How about food? Do you think prices are going up by only a few percent per year? Consider this, from page 144: …the “inflation rate” itself, which is tracked using the Consumer Price Index (CPI), tends to be measured in a misleading way. Ask the average…Continue Reading…

Ron Paul’s New Book: The Revolution

It’s no secret that I’m a supporter of Ron Paul – here’s one post I wrote about him earlier. That’s why I was excited when I discovered today that he’s coming out with a new book, entitled The Revolution: A Manifesto – his first book in over 20 years. One person has created a site…Continue Reading…