Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-07 via Twitter
EE456 midterm studying. #
EE456 midterm studying. #
CNN’s “Hologram” system has nothing to do w/ holograms. It’s fake. http://tinyurl.com/57quvw #
David Price (North Carolina 04), the incumbent who voted for the bailouts, is going to win :-( 65% of the vote, 97% of precincts reporting. # House 04 – CA: McClintock 51%, Brown 49%, 25% precincts reporting – go McClintock! # CA 4: Abortion Limits sits at 50%/50%, 11% precincts reporting… hope you voted Yes…Continue Reading…
Writing in Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle for President and Vice President. Am I supposed to fill in any bubble for write-in? # List of qualified write-in candidates, Los Angeles: http://tinyurl.com/59xp3p # It looks like vote-by-mail ballots (like mine) can be turned in at ANY polling place in the County, not just the one I’m…Continue Reading…
Watching Matt Gonzales, Vice Presidential Candidate on the independent ticket with Ralph Nader, debate now: http://www.votenader.org/live/ # Vice-Presidential Debate: Darrell Castle, Matt Gonzalez, and Wayne Allyn Root – http://www.votenader.org/live/ # The U.S. has the best healthcare system in the world. People in Canada come to the U.S. for cancer treatment. http://www.votenader.org/live/ # Universal heathcare for…Continue Reading…
In 2004, Ken Brown wrote a report, funded in part by Microsoft, claiming that Linus stole Linux from MINIX. This is complete garbage. # Both the Constitution Party and Libertarian Party claim to be the largest 3rd party, and they’re both right. It depends on the measure used. # “… the federal government will continue…Continue Reading…