
Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-07 via Twitter

EE456 midterm studying. #

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-06 via Twitter

CNN’s “Hologram” system has nothing to do w/ holograms. It’s fake. #

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-05 via Twitter

David Price (North Carolina 04), the incumbent who voted for the bailouts, is going to win :-( 65% of the vote, 97% of precincts reporting. # House 04 – CA: McClintock 51%, Brown 49%, 25% precincts reporting – go McClintock! # CA 4: Abortion Limits sits at 50%/50%, 11% precincts reporting… hope you voted Yes…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-04 via Twitter

Writing in Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle for President and Vice President. Am I supposed to fill in any bubble for write-in? # List of qualified write-in candidates, Los Angeles: # It looks like vote-by-mail ballots (like mine) can be turned in at ANY polling place in the County, not just the one I’m…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-03 via Twitter

Watching Matt Gonzales, Vice Presidential Candidate on the independent ticket with Ralph Nader, debate now: # Vice-Presidential Debate: Darrell Castle, Matt Gonzalez, and Wayne Allyn Root – # The U.S. has the best healthcare system in the world. People in Canada come to the U.S. for cancer treatment. # Universal heathcare for…Continue Reading…

Elliot’s Short Updates for 2008-11-02 via Twitter

In 2004, Ken Brown wrote a report, funded in part by Microsoft, claiming that Linus stole Linux from MINIX. This is complete garbage. # Both the Constitution Party and Libertarian Party claim to be the largest 3rd party, and they’re both right. It depends on the measure used. # “… the federal government will continue…Continue Reading…