Orkut invites
This used to be a post about getting invites to Orkut, Google’s social networking system. The post is no longer relevant.
This used to be a post about getting invites to Orkut, Google’s social networking system. The post is no longer relevant.
Hi! hmmm here’s a danish joke:
hvordan får man en gulfisk til at grine…man stopper den i kildevand.. hahaha :-)
Hope it was good enough to get an invitation to orkut :-D
Best regars
i want to join rokut due to its unique critaria for invitation of friends.we only can be accept if some body know us and its a growing community which can not be expend without invitaion or its a good way to make friends who know u and u know him …so i thouht that i should also try to get invitaion but unfortunately i dont have any friend whose account on arkut ….so now i want orkut inviation if u really send me invitaion so i shall be very thankful to u for this act ………
could you please invite me to orkut? :)
[email protected]
hey wts this orkut i didn’t like it’s joining style while sending invitation my hotmail webpage is not opening so how shud i enter orkut plz a beautiful id for me and send it to me 25 july 2005 ok !! :s
Please invite me to join Orkut!
Okay, here’s a joke:
A guy walks into a psychiatrists office wraped in cellophane.
The Dr. says “Clearly, I can see your nuts!”
Please send me an orkut invite
yea can i get an invite please
email is
[email protected]
Can I please have an orkut invite? I’m from Brazil and I’d like very much that…
I’d like an Orkut invite. Specifically why? Just to try it out. I’m a technological enthusiast and like to see things I haven’t done with technology yet.
Hi, I would realy like an Orkut inviation as I like to explorer then new on the internet and check things out. That and I really enjoy talking to people online.
Invite gets a link on my website.
i wana jon orkut.any1 send me an invitation please
i am a studennt in london, i will be please to receive an invitation to ORKUT.
please let met know thank,
Will you be able to send me an invite to Orkut? I am curious to find how it works and what makes it a unique forum. Thanks.
Hi, Can you please send me an invite to Orkut? I want to join because, it seems like a cool place. This is the first website where it is invite only so if you don’t mind and have the time, please send me one. Thanx.
Hi, Can you please send me an invite to Orkut?
Please send me an orkut invite
please ok thxxxxxxxxxx
I got to your site by google, Can you send me an Invete to Orkut. Thanks in Advance
I would like a orkut invite plz!! :)
I would like one because I really think it would help me to become part of the online community of Orkut
can i hav an orkut invite plse.
my email is [email protected]
wish u a very good day
can i please get a orkut invite it would be greatly appriciated thanks!
I’d love an account too if you have any left (wow, long blog!),
hah why i need just to get the pictures of nice and cool girls as some of my friends already do that but they are not inviting me so if you can please…………..????
If you are still sending out invites would you be so kind to send one my why?
I’ll thank you in advance.