Orkut invites

This used to be a post about getting invites to Orkut, Google’s social networking system. The post is no longer relevant.

619 Responses to “Orkut invites”

  1. synok says:

    hi, I’d like to test this famous orkut.
    please, could you send me an invite ?
    thanks in advance ;)

  2. Ellomdian says:

    Orkut-me, please – thx in advance! Gotta love ppl giving this away instead of profiting from it.

  3. particles says:

    Hi, I would love an invite.. I would trade days of privileges on soulseek to anyone that would send me one or maybe some hosting space? kthnx

  4. particles says:

    sorry.. if your interested in trading please send that invite to [email protected]

  5. ron says:

    I would an Orkut invite if you could spare a moment! Thanks… Ron :-)

  6. Michael says:

    If you have it in your heart and can spare the time I would love a orkut invite.

  7. Ken says:

    If you could spare an invite I’d be appreciative.

  8. Andries says:

    Please invite me :) Thanks in advance.

  9. Tulley says:

    I would like an Orkut invite as well please!
    email: [email protected]

  10. Nick Navetta says:

    Hey, I’d love an orkut invite, and would be willing to share all of my Gmail invites in exchange.

  11. Mudassir Imam says:

    i want an Orkut Invitation Please Send me ,
    I am Reallly Thanksful To you :).
    Email = [email protected]

  12. Robert Lucas says:

    hmmm… you seem to be populer eh? well guess i might as well ask for one too!

  13. Giorgos says:

    I would like to try out orkut too if you can take some time to send an invite…

  14. Mike says:

    I would love an invite, as I work in DC, very inside the beltway, I will make sure to do what i can to help the cause of technological freedom that much more.

  15. Mike Bader says:

    invite please

  16. Blake says:

    Invite … please? :)

  17. Madhava Jay says:

    Hi can i please have an invite too?

  18. Will says:

    hi could i please, please have an orcut account….Im in high school in rural australia…so i would like to meet some 1 new!..plz…email is [email protected]

  19. Elliot Lee says:

    Orkut invites sent to Tony, mikemm, rahimece, John Rafael Phillips, and Joe. If you guys have extra Gmail invites, you can send them to [email protected] :)

  20. Thomas says:

    Could I have an Orkut invite?

    [email protected]


  21. mac says:

    i would really apreciate an orkut invite.. my email is [email protected]


  22. Austin says:

    Hey, I would appreciate an invite as well.
    Thank you,

  23. Omar says:

    could you please spare me an invite?

  24. Mat says:

    Please send an invitation. THX.


  25. Could I get an invite?