Orkut invites

This used to be a post about getting invites to Orkut, Google’s social networking system. The post is no longer relevant.

619 Responses to “Orkut invites”

  1. JT says:

    I can invite to to gmail if you invite me to orkut.

  2. Fernando says:

    Please, can I have an Orkut invite?

  3. waqas says:

    please give me orkut invitation ppppllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. waqas says:

    Would you be able to send me an Orkut invite… Many thanks!
    please give me orkut invitation ppppllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  5. Shahbaz Khan says:

    may i got invitation to orkut ?

  6. hatef says:

    can i got invitation to orkut ?

  7. hadieh says:

    hi i want to be a member of the orkut

  8. hadieh says:

    please give me an orkut invite now please

  9. Ble says:

    Invite me, please.

  10. Eric says:

    I’d love an Orkut invite if anyone has one to spare. Thanks in advance :)

  11. Hugh says:

    I want one too if you have them to spare.

  12. Janis says:

    Me too please!!!

  13. wayne says:

    please invite me orkut thanks

  14. Joey says:

    Greatly appreciate an invite to Orkut. Thanks ahead of time!

  15. Mike says:

    Hi Elliot,
    If you still have some invites to Orkut left I’d sure appreciate one!

  16. Mike Gage says:

    pls hook me up with an invite, thanks

  17. gillo says:

    hi i dont have an orkut invite plz invite me to orkut account
    thankx to u if reply

  18. Marcelo Brandão says:

    Hi Can you invite me for orkut? Thanx

  19. Jake says:


  20. juan alejandro says:

    hi can you invite me for orkut?

  21. sbicse says:

    Can i have a orkut invite ?

  22. Jay says:

    lemme getta invitation pleez!

  23. cocoy says:

    i owe u a lot for this thread, please pull me in

  24. Fauzi says:

    may i have a orkut invite at [email protected] too ? thankyou …

  25. JacQueS says:

    eLee, could you invite me for Orkut, please.

    thanx man