
The making of a versatile game character

I just came up with this thought: Mario is, by far, the most versatile video game character ever made. He’s such an ideal franchise to have. Known worldwide, he appears in games of all sorts of genres. Think for a minute: not only the platform games he is so famous for, but dozens, if not…Continue Reading…

Intel Launches 3.46 GHz P4 EE

Today Intel released a 3.46 GHz version of the gamer-tageted Pentium 4 Extreme Edition. Here’s a quote from C|Net: “One snag, however, has already arisen for the new Extreme Edition Pentium 4. Reviews of the chip–an important consideration for would-be buyers–are fairly scathing. Many conclude that the new chip brings little in the way of…Continue Reading…

Computer in my room

Having a computer in my room reminds me of a huge phase of my life which I’d almost forgotten. Before I used AOL (I think), I used Prodigy. It wasn’t even an internet service – it was their own Prodigy software and their own services and content. It had online games and stuff. I used…Continue Reading…

Updates for Windows XP

So I’m now on a new computer with XP SP2 (from CD). Interestingly, it never asked me for the product key. Anyway, here are the updates since SP2. I hope they’re safe to install. 816093: Security Update for Microsoft Virtual Machine (Microsoft VM) Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer for Windows Service Pack 2

Inspired for Open Source

My Uncle Ted visited today. He’s amazing – went to MIT and Brown, worked for Apple, and now he works for the OSAF. One thing we talked about was how it doesn’t matter, in the grand scheme of things, where you go for college. What matters, when you go out to make a name for…Continue Reading…

Geek Phobias

Top 11. 11. Ornithotakuphobia – Fear of having a bird fly into your house and take a crap on your Anime figurines and toys. 10. Hypnojediphobia – Fear of being victim of Jedi Mind Tricks. 9. Rectoriaaphobia – Fear of being financially ruined by an file-sharing lawsuit. 8. Seplopizzaphobia – Fear that the year-old pizza…Continue Reading…