
Infinity’s House

Excerpt from Infinity’s House by Ellen McLaughlin But we don’t need the thing to win the war. We’ve as good as won the war already. And as for saving the world, well, what comes to mind is Alfred Nobel thinking that when he invented dynamite he was going to end human warfare – I know…Continue Reading…

College Quiz

from Kaplan “Revenge of the Nerds” While you might be comfortable many other places, the place you’d really like to be is in the lab—computer or otherwise. You want to know what’s cutting edge in science and technology, and you want to be at the forefront of the innovations. If this is you, take a…Continue Reading…

Best viewed with a computer – a joke or a serious statement?

“This site is best viewed with a computer.” I remember a time when this was meant to be a joke, and it was funny. Sometimes people still take it as a joke. For example, I recently read someone state on a forum that it’s “hilarious.” It’s sort of a satire on the old “This site…Continue Reading…

Gnomes puzzle

There are ten gnomes who have gotten themselves into quite a predicament. They are in the dungeon of a castle of a tyrannical king. Despite the evilness of the king, he has a silver lining in his heart. He has given the gnomes a chance of survival. Here is the offer: The King lines the…Continue Reading…

People have a problem with terminology these days

especially computer-related or technicial terms, not that they’re amazingly difficult or anything, at least not to me. Just as an example, I spoke with someone today who claimed that the SP2 patch for Windows XP made their computer “laggy”. By “laggy” they did not mean their internet connection had high latency; rather, they meant their…Continue Reading…

Favicon from Pics

This service rocks: Turn pics into favicons.