
Fixed broken links

Hey, looks like the links for comments RSS feeds were broken since I upgraded to the latest version of WordPress. I fixed it by updating to the newer version of .htaccess.

Slashdot | Does A Pentium 4 Need A Weapons License?

WindBourne writes “It appears to be that the U.S. house of Reps. want to classify Pentium 4 and above CPUs as weapons. This would mean that all these will require export licenses. Apparently, they have not heard about that the far east has developed large CPUs as well that are used in beowulf clusters.” According…Continue Reading…

Entering a Password Multiple Times for Security

I was thinking about the 1983 movie WarGames and how the computer personality of “Joshua” acted like a human. The first time you asked it a question, it responded with a question or didn’t give a complete answer. However, if you asked the computer the same question a second time, you got the information you…Continue Reading…

Clever: Site-Flavored Search

This Google search box is flavored (yummy!) Flavor: Computer hardware, software, and programming; internet; home entertainment Customize one for your site.

Cool Song Spoofs

Some of these are pretty funny. Pogue’s Song Spoofs

Firefox 0.9 released

Here’s one thing I’ve noticed. Links I click in emails, text files, other programs, etc. open in new windows. Previously, with Firefox 0.8, they opened in the last Firefox window/tab that I’d used. I’m not sure whether this is a plus or minus, because now I have multiple windows open rather than having them all…Continue Reading…