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I’d like to put this site on Google for the search “Elliot Lee”. Add this link to your site. <a title="Elliot Lee" href="">Elliot Lee</a> Help me out and someday I’ll help you too. Thanks in advance.
I’d like to put this site on Google for the search “Elliot Lee”. Add this link to your site. <a title="Elliot Lee" href="">Elliot Lee</a> Help me out and someday I’ll help you too. Thanks in advance.
If they want to make money off of email I write, they can pay me for it. Source: My email automatically rejected
Do It Yourself: HP Printer Memory Ever thought about upgrading your printer memory? Ever felt appalled by ads like this? 16 MB SIMM 4 /4M /4P/4MP/4V/4MV/5/5N/5M/5MP/5P/5SI/6P/6MP $179.00 Well, the solution is here! Following an idea from S?nke Behrens’ great “DIY HP Printer Memory” web site, I bought two 16MB standard PS/2 Fast Page modules, took…Continue Reading…
Re:No way (Score:5, Funny) by pantycrickets (694774) on Tuesday April 13, @03:12PM (#8853776) Okay, quick look on the net –, and I see USB hard drives with 40GB of space for under $60. Why buy it from Iomega for more? You aren’t taking into account Iomega’s value-added features, such as slower transfer rates, propietary…Continue Reading…
Re:It’s amazing (Score:5, Interesting) by JaredOfEuropa (526365) on Sunday April 11, @06:14AM (#8829850) (Last Journal: Saturday January 31, @03:25PM) How even though given the anti-intellectual culture of the US we are still the only ones able to land this very successful rover I think one of the factors contributing to the success of the US,…Continue Reading…
“A company wanted to hold off on upgrading Microsoft Office for a year in order to do other projects. So Microsoft gave a ‘free’ copy of the new Office to the CEO — a copy that of course generated errors for anyone else in the firm reading his documents. The CEO got tired of getting…Continue Reading…