
Inventon of the microwave

Someday I should look more into the invention of the microwave oven. I read several pages about it. Looks like World War II resulted in a lot of technologies that benefit us today. People are lazy. They get so much more done with the proper motivation.

It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day

Brendan Loy has the details on International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Steve Irwin

I learned from protokurios’s Xanga that Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter, was just killed by a stingray. I had wondered how people survive dangerous stunts on TV. Update: Discovery has a lot of great information, including an audio tribute (mp3) on the event by the cameramen. It’s a very well-done website.

Reuters fakes photos

Reuters fakes photos

Backup with phpMyAdmin

Here’s how to make a database backup with phpMyAdmin. The guide is for WordPress, but can be generally applied to other PHP/MySQL apps. Note that you have to use settings that aren’t the default.

Sony Mylo similar to Cybiko?

In the news today: To a certain degree, the approach of the Sony can be compared with the “Cybiko,” a handheld …