
Cingular Stinks

Cingular just sent me a “free” text message which caused my phone to beep loudly and interrupt my work. It says: “Get current CNN News, local weather, ESPN and more on your phone!” This is an advertisement. It’s unsolicited commercial SMS. It’s spam. I’m a paying Cingular subscriber. Don’t send me adverts without warning.

Global Mosaic

The Broth is a Global Mosaic in Ajax. It’s stunning. I can’t believe I haven’t seen this sooner. Luckily, I stumbled into it while researching Ajax editors. I highly recommended that you check it out.


My cool word of the moment is circumflex. I saw it in the book lex & yacc, just skimmed through. It’s what this symbol is called: ^. It’s also known as a caret or a hat. Hat is the term I’m used to using, from physics. But “circumflex” definitely sounds cooler.

Knees hurt

My knees were hurting quite a bit last Friday. I wonder why.

Ascending ordering vs descending

I posted a comment on my blog today and it felt weird seeing my comment appear first and on top, especially since I was replying to an older comment. So I changed the settings so that comments are now in ascending order (ASC). Let’s see how it goes.

Fix “Access Denied” on WinXP

Using Windows XP and getting “Access Denied”? Take ownership.