
Get Smacked by a Wiimote

Maybe they should put bungee straps on these things so that if some doof tries to send his flying across the room it will come back and smack him. peshue on Engadget, referring to Wii Remotes

5 or more computers?

Looks like a number of people on the ThinkPad forums have more than 5 computers. Ah, I love computers, and I could easily use the capabilities of faster ones, and with Synergy, use more than one at a time. But I really only have one working computer, mainly because I’m saving money. I’ve been taught…Continue Reading…

UCLA Hacked

Looks like USC isn’t the only LA university with a computer security problem. Thankfully, USC’s was much smaller in scope (270,000 names and the hacker plead guilty). UCLA’s will affect a lot more people, and there are multiple unknown hackers which will probably never be caught. A database containing 800,000 individuals and their personal information,…Continue Reading…

Virus writers earn more than antivirus companies

…the typical price of a destructive exploit has increased dramatically, driving an underground market that could exceed the value of the legitimate security software business. “I think the malware industry is making more money than the anti-malware industry,” Genes said. Slashdot

10 good Unix usage habits

IBM provides 10 excellent tips for Unix usage, which applies also to Linux and most SSH shells, including USC’s Aludra student server. I should memorize these myself, since I use these commands on a weekly basis.

Morse code dropped

Interesting to note: The FCC has dropped the Morse Testing requirement for amateur radio certifications. Slashdot